Ox Gallstones, We are professional !
For last three months, we get different inquiries from different suppliers.
Here we hope that this article can answer most of these inquiries.
- Do you know XXX Lee, Victor XXX, David XXX, etc. ?
No, we don’t know them. Our Purchasing Officer is VICTOR LEE.
He is the only one in charge of the ox gallstones purchasing issues in our company.
- Are you have office in Cameroon, Nigeria, India, America, etc. ?
No, we don’t have any representative or branch office in any other countries.
Our office is located in Hong Kong.
Here is our official contact:
Contact Person: VICTOR LEE
Mobile/ Whatsapp: +86-15692006831
Email: info.grandorient@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/goiel/
Web: www.buy-ox-gallstones.com
- I have sent some ox gallstones by DHL to someone in Hong Kong. He promised me that after he received the stones in Hong Kong he will transfer the money to me. But after he received my stones, he just disappear. Can you help me to get the money back ?
Sorry, I am afraid that you encounter an internet scam and we cannot help.
An regular company should be have a business registration certificate issued by the domestic government and have a good reputation in the business.
- I have sent you messages by EMAIL, WHATSAPP, why I still cannot get the responses ?
We are sorry we can not reply your messages on time.
Compare with the limited time, the work load is huge.
Every day, we are replying hundreds of thousand inquiries messages from different corners of the world, receiving the stones from our suppliers, checking the quality of the ox gallstones, arranging the payment to our suppliers, etc.,
believe us, we will try to reply you as soon as possible.
- I don’t know you, can I meet VICTOR LEE before I start to supply you the ox gallstones ?
Yes, of course.
You can contact him by the contacts we just mentioned above, so that you can make the meeting appointment.
If you are a serious supplier, we are sure that you can have a successful appointment with VICTOR LEE.
For ox gallstones business, we are the professional ox gallstones buyer.
Our purchasing map is globally, bovine gallstones as a precious pharmaceutical raw materials, the price of ox gallstones always fluctuating.
We hope that we can grow together in the ox gallstones business, thank you !